Rakhshanda Name Meaning in Urdu - رخشندہ Rakhshanda ...

brilliant gift meaning in urdu

brilliant gift meaning in urdu - win

The Pyramid Scheme - My Muzmatch Encounter

Al Sallamu Alaikum,

I've been meaning to write this out for a long while but didn't want to rush it as the purpose in posting my MM experiences here are in the hope that I can help sisters, (and possibly brothers too) Inshaa Allah. I am not bashing the opposite gender as obviously I can't see what the female profiles look like. Also apologies for the long post but I think details are crucial.

Early on when I first started using MM app I must admit I was rather naive to what's out there as prior to this, interest I was getting was in real life through my parents etc.
One day as I was using the app I came across a dude's profile. Let's name him.. 'Mo', he was a teacher and 5 years my senior, he later told me he was half Spanish and half Russian. He was not stunning but he looked well put together. His profile was an interesting read and seemed professional.
At this stage I decided that I was going to make the first move and swipe right. Prior to this I was like a sitting duck waiting for matches thinking it was the 1800's or something lol. Shortly after I had a notification to say that he swiped me right and it was a match!

From memory I think he sent me a short message to say Sallam and I replied. We went back and forth with the usual chit chat and within a few days of talking he asked to exchange numbers in order to speak on Whatsapp. I'm very private but agreed to exchange details as the app was really glitchy and admittedly the poor matches. The conversation on whatsapp started with him being 'cheeky' saying things like save my number as 'goregous man' and calling me 'sweet cheecks'. I was a bit taken a back by this as seemed a bit egotistical and cheesy (which are 2 traits I dislike). I did call him out on it there and then by saying 'sweet cheeks? what are we 16? lol'. I think he got the jist that I wasn't falling for that rubbish. #Redflag1 (being overly flirty too soon and trying to charm)

I asked him straight up why he was there and he came across as rather defensive and said my question was 'odd'... as mentioned before I was somewhat new to the app and thought perhaps I offended him. Looking back now I don't feel that there was a reason to be defensive but anyway the convo continued to him saying message me back at 8.15pm. #Redflag2 as this was the 'controlling' aspect coming out ... read further down to see where I'm coming from.

He bought up the question that I had asked before regarding why he was on the app ... it was weird as thought that I dealt with this already. Again I went into detail to state it's because the dudes that I had previously spoken to seemed serious on their profiles but after speaking to them were only trying to pass the time or looking for someone with loose morals such as themselves. To this he disclosed that he had met 2 girls the previous month and both seemed confused. I thought right OK finally we're on the same page...
All of a sudden he said 'I would definitely like to meet you whenever you are ready *****'. I said i'd feel more comfortable speaking on the phone prior to meeting up. He seemed to be fine with this. We decided on a day and time to speak on the phone which was a generic conversation. Can't remember too much of it tbh.
I didn't hear from him the next day after our telephone convo and thought I'll message him in the evening to follow up, he replied several hours later...midnight to be precise. Admittedly I'm a bit of a night owl so didn't mind but this became a bit of a habit the more we spoke. #Redflag3 (when they message late it means you're an after thought or a boredom toy).
That same evening he said he was preparing for an event for 'his business' and said he has another one coming up and whether I'd be interested in going to this 'event' which happened to be very close to where I lived at that time. I thought OK as it wouldn't be a pressurized environment and I can calm my nerves a bit before we go for a coffee and talk properly.
He confirmed the date and said I was on the VIP list. I did ask what type of business but he said it would be better to talk in person and for him to explain. Thought fair enough, it will be a talking point. In that same convo he said he was going to pray and read some Qur'an, I thought brilliant and asked him if he could read it in Arabic, there was no motive to the question I was merely intrigued. He said he reads it in Arabic... I thought mama..I've hit the jackpot! lol

The following few days which let up to the meeting were short conversations of what you've been up to today? what did you eat? etc. the messages were coming through late in the evening as before so I tried to keep them short as thought we are meeting soon anyway. He was trying to be a bit flirty & I ignored the compliments etc
Finally the day came to meet...I was a bag of nerves! I think it's because I liked him and wanted everything to go well. I spoke to my girlfriends who gave me some tips on questions to ask and how to chill and be myself. An hour before the meeting I got dressed in my business attire and marched my way to meet him at this place. I went into the lobby area but there were so many people... so I messaged him to let him know that I was there. When alone get on your phone, so I busied myself with that. I must have been waiting for about 10 mins or maybe less but it seemed like an eternity. Finally I heard someone utter my name and I looked up and there he was. Have to admit he looked a bit different than his profile pics in terms of his hair looked longer and he had a bit of jewellery on with a suit that had a pattern that I can only describe as kitchen towel flashbacks.. he looked cheesy. Anyway we said hi to each other and did the small talk before we rushed to sign the entry register and made our way up to the next level and waited at the front of the line in order to get into this large conference room and it was packed! He disappeared briefly and I got talking to some sisters who didn't have a clue what the talk was about either. I didn't mind as felt safe as obviously I was amongst about 100 people.
So he comes back and they open the door and he keeps calling me to sit next to him. The setup is a large room with rows and rows of seats. So I sit next to him and smile as you do, it was rather loud so no chance of a convo. Shortly after the conference started. A guy goes up to the stage and starts talking a bit about the company and how well it's doing and his reason for joining the company which was to enjoy life and to savour time and basically not slave away our lives working and get out of the car race. There were some videos basically saying the same thing and how precious our time is and how we should work smarter to make money instead of working our fingers to the bone ...yada yada...I still had no idea what this company was about... An hour goes by and the main dude on the stage starts to invite some people to this stage.. some more vague wishy washy talking...more videos from their CEO in the US with thousands of people clapping... eventually they move on to presenting some people with awards and giving a shout out to some of the 'leaders' that have done really well...one by one they stand up and people clapping away. Then the guy giving the shout outs says Mo's name and he gets up and everyone claps. Still no idea what is going on at this stage... and tbh I lost interest as it had been several hours of vagueness. I later looked up the company and there is a heck of a lot of info about the company being a pyramid scheme and even had ex employees testimonies.

Eventually the whole thing is over and we make our way out. Mo asks me if there is anywhere nearby to grab a bite/ coffee which looking back now he should have known there would be as he mentioned to me previously that every sunday his 'company' has a meeting there... (how is it your company when you're not the CEO and merely an employee amongst many others?), at the time I didn't clock as it was busy and my brain was fried from the pointless meeting/ conference. I knew the area well so suggested a nearby cafe which we went to. It was a tad awkward and I was still a bit nervous but tried my best to ask all the right questions. I asked about his family, parents, siblings, friends, lifetyle, hobbies, likes/ dislikes etc he disclosed to me that his dad was out of the picture as he was an alcoholic, he also mentioned that he had no interaction with his Russian dad's side of the family but had a great relationship with his Spanish mum and her family.
Don't worry I wasn't fan-girling over him because of his mixed background as I come from a humble mixed background myself & don't see that as a big deal but this will become more apparent later on in the story as when I saw his picture I put him down as 'asian' looking, maybe Afgani, (he hadn't disclosed his ethnicity on his bio at the time).
I was touched by his closeness with his mum and how hard he worked to support her, (he was living at home)... I felt assured that he knew how to respect women. We talked some more and walked a bit and I called it a day. He suggested he gives me a lift but i politely declined. (Never get into a strangers car ladies & gents!).

Later that evening I received a message to say 'it was lovely meeting you'. The conversation seemed positive and pleasant. He asked me what I was doing and I explained I was looking at a first-aid book which my friend had gifted me as I've been a first-aider for many years and it's one of my interests... I sent him a pic of what I was reading which included a few drawings of how to perform mouth to mouth to adults and babies. He picked up on this and was trying to low key oversexualise the drawing in a jokey way. I played it off and joked back that I wasn't trying to imply anything. I brushed it off basically. #Redflag4 (low key turning anything normal into something sexual is a sign to look out for).
The convo's continue back and forth over a few days and one day he stops messaging. I didn't bother messaging first as was busy and felt that if he wanted to talk to me he knew how to contact me and he knew that I had 4 days off work as had informed him previously. 4 days I heard nothing from him. it was like he purposely avoided contacting me. He eventually messages out of the blue saying 'hi' and talking as if we were having a conversation just yesterday. I jokingly called him out on this as would have thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk some more and get to know each other. The convo was playful but had an undertone that left a bitter taste in the mouth a bit.

A few days go by and I come to the conclusion that it's time to step it up a notch as the convos were dying out so asked him what he'd be doing at the end of the week. He said he had plans, I thought ok fair enough and suggested another day which suited him too and we agreed to meet that day. We decided on a time and a place.
The conversations that followed were somewhat normal although he was being flirty, I put it down to his nature and thought to myself don't be a prude and laughed mostly, no flirting back from my side. So it was the day before our meeting and I thought i'd drop him a message in the evening to check in to make sure he was still up for out meeting. He replied back saying that his car was at the garage and that he was going to get it back the next day but had to push our meeting later on in the evening...much later in the evening. I thought it was weird as he didn't mention it before so I pressed him for a specific time that he thought he'd get his car back and he said he wasn't sure. I was getting some flakey vibes and arranged for other plans so told him we'd have to reschedule for another day. I wasn't willing to cancel my plans for him when we had previously agreed a date and a time and he hadn't informed me about his car at all the when we were talking. He said fine lets arrange another day. #Redflag5 (stuff happens in life but if you're genuine you will keep the other party informed and updated regarding anything that will alter the plans agreed, bearing in mind I messaged him first that evening and only then did he disclose this info).

He messages the following day with the usual 'hi, how are you? etc as if nothing had happened and he didn't provide any further explanation or apology for flopping. I tried to keep it polite but I was annoyed inside. He continued messaging every night around 12am right before I went bed so the conversations were very short. His messages were hot and cold. One night he'd be overly sweet..sickly in fact and the next he'd be cold or not message at all. I was now waking up and seeing the redflags by his behavior, being flirty and trying to brush things off, messaging late, mixed messages etc. My annoyance turned into disappointment as I felt that his behavior was belittling me and trying to make it seem like it was perfectly normal to be treated the way he has treated me and frankly I was bored of the BS and knew my worth!

I felt s*tty, so my gf's arranged for us to go out for a meal and catch up. I told them what was going on and showed them a photo of him as per their request. One of the girls eyes widened and she shrieked 'I know him!'....My heart sank. She went on to say that she had spoken to him previously on MM and they had met! She said nothing came of it as they decided to be friends. I asked her when that took place she said over a year ago which didn't line up with his story when he said he had only been using the app for a month. The more we talked, the more I realised how much BS this dude had spun.. he even lied about his racial background! She said he told her that he was half Pakistani & half Spanish and that he spoke fluent Urdu. No Russian background at all... Suffice to say I was p*ssed!

At that moment whatever respect I had for him was gone out of the window. My friends suggested I message him right there and then and ask him directly where this is going as he hadn't made any effort to meet up again and was playing games. So I did.. he played the whole 'we've only met once' and that 'we'd need more time to establish whether we want to pursue things or not' ...basically trying to make me seem like i'm being pushy.
When I called him out of giving me mixed messages, messaging me so late in the early hours of the morning, not suggesting we meet again after he flopped, flaking out of our meeting etc. I laid it all out on the table. His response was 'I work during the day dude so the fact I message you at 'random' times is better than not messaging you at all. Yes you did take the initiative to suggest meeting but you also said you had stuff on in the evening when I informed you the night before that I was without a car. I'm pretty tied up for the next two weekends with prior commitments so if you feel you're making the effort without any response then I sincerely wish you good luck'.
He was making it seem as if he was too important and sooo busy even though the so called pyramid scheme he was part of talked about freeing up time and enjoying life etc. He was also making it seem like he was doing me a favour by messaging me at all. He was also making it out that he was the one who told me about his car being at the garage even though I was the one to message him to make sure everything was OK for our meeting and he dropped this on me last minute #RedflagI'veLostCount

I could have said so many things but to me it was pointless as I had lost respect and trust in this person so I replied to 'Mo...all i'm going to say is that I wish you all the best back. Hope you find whatever you're looking for. Sallam'. He replied with 'Likewise ****, I'm sorry you feel the way you do' ...again making it seem like I was irrational and delusional and he has done nothing wrong...

I went on living my life and keeping busy with work, family, friends and I was in the process of accomplishing an important goal in my life so it was helping me forget him, not that I was in love with him but it was my fault that I had put him on a pedestal and allowed my bar to be lowered.

3 days go by and guess who pops into my whatsapp? Yip you guessed it right, our not-so-Russian mate Mo.. it was at a time when we had a lot of snow and most of the people were off work. His message consisted of 'Good morning ***** wakey wakey rise and shine. Have a great day at work or enjoy your day off like the 75% of the country :) ' ... suffice to say I ignored his message.

Another 3 days go by... I receive yet another message stating 'All the best :) '.. again I ignore this message...
A week goes by...yet another message stating 'Good Morning' .. I came to the conclusion if I don't block him he'll keep annoying me so I blocked him and put an end to it Alhamdulilah.

The moral of the story is do NOT ignore redflags, go with your gut instinct, don't put anyone on a pedastal just because they say they pray, read Qur'an and NEVER allow anyone to treat you with disrespect or make you seem like you're the crazy one ...know your self worth! Do not lower the bar for anyone and if you aren't receiving respect, honesty and transparency know that you're wasting your time and you need to move on!

If you've made it this far, I hope my story will be some kind of help to peeps out there or at least it was an entertaining read :)
submitted by Taz_Musk to u/Taz_Musk [link] [comments]

The Pyramid Scheme - My Muzmatch Encounter

Al Sallamu Alaikum,
I've been meaning to write this out for a long while but didn't want to rush it as the purpose in posting my MM experiences here are in the hope that I can help sisters, (and possibly brothers too) Inshaa Allah. I am not bashing the opposite gender as obviously I can't see what the female profiles look like. Also apologies for the long post but I think details are crucial.
Early on when I first started using MM app I must admit I was rather naive to what's out there as prior to this, interest I was getting was in real life through my parents etc.
One day as I was using the app I came across a dude's profile. Let's name him.. 'Mo', he was a teacher and 5 years my senior, he later told me he was half Spanish and half Russian. He was not stunning but he looked well put together. His profile was an interesting read and seemed professional.
At this stage I decided that I was going to make the first move and swipe right. Prior to this I was like a sitting duck waiting for matches thinking it was the 1800's or something lol. Shortly after I had a notification to say that he swiped me right and it was a match!
From memory I think he sent me a short message to say Sallam and I replied. We went back and forth with the usual chit chat and within a few days of talking he asked to exchange numbers in order to speak on Whatsapp. I'm very private but agreed to exchange details as the app was really glitchy and admittedly the poor matches. The conversation on whatsapp started with him being 'cheeky' saying things like save my number as 'goregous man' and calling me 'sweet cheecks'. I was a bit taken a back by this as seemed a bit egotistical and cheesy (which are 2 traits I dislike). I did call him out on it there and then by saying 'sweet cheeks? what are we 16? lol'. I think he got the jist that I wasn't falling for that rubbish. #Redflag1 (being overly flirty too soon and trying to charm)
I asked him straight up why he was there and he came across as rather defensive and said my question was 'odd'... as mentioned before I was somewhat new to the app and thought perhaps I offended him. Looking back now I don't feel that there was a reason to be defensive but anyway the convo continued to him saying message me back at 8.15pm. #Redflag2 as this was the 'controlling' aspect coming out ... read further down to see where I'm coming from.
He bought up the question that I had asked before regarding why he was on the app ... it was weird as thought that I dealt with this already. Again I went into detail to state it's because the dudes that I had previously spoken to seemed serious on their profiles but after speaking to them were only trying to pass the time or looking for someone with loose morals such as themselves. To this he disclosed that he had met 2 girls the previous month and both seemed confused. I thought right OK finally we're on the same page...
All of a sudden he said 'I would definitely like to meet you whenever you are ready *****'. I said i'd feel more comfortable speaking on the phone prior to meeting up. He seemed to be fine with this. We decided on a day and time to speak on the phone which was a generic conversation. Can't remember too much of it tbh.
I didn't hear from him the next day after our telephone convo and thought I'll message him in the evening to follow up, he replied several hours later...midnight to be precise. Admittedly I'm a bit of a night owl so didn't mind but this became a bit of a habit the more we spoke. #Redflag3 (when they message late it means you're an after thought or a boredom toy).
That same evening he said he was preparing for an event for 'his business' and said he has another one coming up and whether I'd be interested in going to this 'event' which happened to be very close to where I lived at that time. I thought OK as it wouldn't be a pressurized environment and I can calm my nerves a bit before we go for a coffee and talk properly.
He confirmed the date and said I was on the VIP list. I did ask what type of business but he said it would be better to talk in person and for him to explain. Thought fair enough, it will be a talking point. In that same convo he said he was going to pray and read some Qur'an, I thought brilliant and asked him if he could read it in Arabic, there was no motive to the question I was merely intrigued. He said he reads it in Arabic... I thought mama..I've hit the jackpot! lol
The following few days which let up to the meeting were short conversations of what you've been up to today? what did you eat? etc. the messages were coming through late in the evening as before so I tried to keep them short as thought we are meeting soon anyway. He was trying to be a bit flirty & I ignored the compliments etc
Finally the day came to meet...I was a bag of nerves! I think it's because I liked him and wanted everything to go well. I spoke to my girlfriends who gave me some tips on questions to ask and how to chill and be myself. An hour before the meeting I got dressed in my business attire and marched my way to meet him at this place. I went into the lobby area but there were so many people... so I messaged him to let him know that I was there. When alone get on your phone, so I busied myself with that. I must have been waiting for about 10 mins or maybe less but it seemed like an eternity. Finally I heard someone utter my name and I looked up and there he was. Have to admit he looked a bit different than his profile pics in terms of his hair looked longer and he had a bit of jewellery on with a suit that had a pattern that I can only describe as kitchen towel flashbacks.. he looked cheesy. Anyway we said hi to each other and did the small talk before we rushed to sign the entry register and made our way up to the next level and waited at the front of the line in order to get into this large conference room and it was packed! He disappeared briefly and I got talking to some sisters who didn't have a clue what the talk was about either. I didn't mind as felt safe as obviously I was amongst about 100 people.
So he comes back and they open the door and he keeps calling me to sit next to him. The setup is a large room with rows and rows of seats. So I sit next to him and smile as you do, it was rather loud so no chance of a convo. Shortly after the conference started. A guy goes up to the stage and starts talking a bit about the company and how well it's doing and his reason for joining the company which was to enjoy life and to savour time and basically not slave away our lives working and get out of the car race. There were some videos basically saying the same thing and how precious our time is and how we should work smarter to make money instead of working our fingers to the bone ...yada yada...I still had no idea what this company was about... An hour goes by and the main dude on the stage starts to invite some people to this stage.. some more vague wishy washy talking...more videos from their CEO in the US with thousands of people clapping... eventually they move on to presenting some people with awards and giving a shout out to some of the 'leaders' that have done really well...one by one they stand up and people clapping away. Then the guy giving the shout outs says Mo's name and he gets up and everyone claps. Still no idea what is going on at this stage... and tbh I lost interest as it had been several hours of vagueness. I later looked up the company and there is a heck of a lot of info about the company being a pyramid scheme and even had ex employees testimonies.
Eventually the whole thing is over and we make our way out. Mo asks me if there is anywhere nearby to grab a bite/ coffee which looking back now he should have known there would be as he mentioned to me previously that every sunday his 'company' has a meeting there... (how is it your company when you're not the CEO and merely an employee amongst many others?), at the time I didn't clock as it was busy and my brain was fried from the pointless meeting/ conference. I knew the area well so suggested a nearby cafe which we went to. It was a tad awkward and I was still a bit nervous but tried my best to ask all the right questions. I asked about his family, parents, siblings, friends, lifetyle, hobbies, likes/ dislikes etc he disclosed to me that his dad was out of the picture as he was an alcoholic, he also mentioned that he had no interaction with his Russian dad's side of the family but had a great relationship with his Spanish mum and her family.
Don't worry I wasn't fan-girling over him because of his mixed background as I come from a humble mixed background myself & don't see that as a big deal but this will become more apparent later on in the story as when I saw his picture I put him down as 'asian' looking, maybe Afgani, (he hadn't disclosed his ethnicity on his bio at the time).
I was touched by his closeness with his mum and how hard he worked to support her, (he was living at home)... I felt assured that he knew how to respect women. We talked some more and walked a bit and I called it a day. He suggested he gives me a lift but i politely declined. (Never get into a strangers car ladies & gents!).
Later that evening I received a message to say 'it was lovely meeting you'. The conversation seemed positive and pleasant. He asked me what I was doing and I explained I was looking at a first-aid book which my friend had gifted me as I've been a first-aider for many years and it's one of my interests... I sent him a pic of what I was reading which included a few drawings of how to perform mouth to mouth to adults and babies. He picked up on this and was trying to low key oversexualise the drawing in a jokey way. I played it off and joked back that I wasn't trying to imply anything. I brushed it off basically. #Redflag4 (low key turning anything normal into something sexual is a sign to look out for).
The convo's continue back and forth over a few days and one day he stops messaging. I didn't bother messaging first as was busy and felt that if he wanted to talk to me he knew how to contact me and he knew that I had 4 days off work as had informed him previously. 4 days I heard nothing from him. it was like he purposely avoided contacting me. He eventually messages out of the blue saying 'hi' and talking as if we were having a conversation just yesterday. I jokingly called him out on this as would have thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk some more and get to know each other. The convo was playful but had an undertone that left a bitter taste in the mouth a bit.
A few days go by and I come to the conclusion that it's time to step it up a notch as the convos were dying out so asked him what he'd be doing at the end of the week. He said he had plans, I thought ok fair enough and suggested another day which suited him too and we agreed to meet that day. We decided on a time and a place.
The conversations that followed were somewhat normal although he was being flirty, I put it down to his nature and thought to myself don't be a prude and laughed mostly, no flirting back from my side. So it was the day before our meeting and I thought i'd drop him a message in the evening to check in to make sure he was still up for out meeting. He replied back saying that his car was at the garage and that he was going to get it back the next day but had to push our meeting later on in the evening...much later in the evening. I thought it was weird as he didn't mention it before so I pressed him for a specific time that he thought he'd get his car back and he said he wasn't sure. I was getting some flakey vibes and arranged for other plans so told him we'd have to reschedule for another day. I wasn't willing to cancel my plans for him when we had previously agreed a date and a time and he hadn't informed me about his car at all the when we were talking. He said fine lets arrange another day. #Redflag5 (stuff happens in life but if you're genuine you will keep the other party informed and updated regarding anything that will alter the plans agreed, bearing in mind I messaged him first that evening and only then did he disclose this info).
He messages the following day with the usual 'hi, how are you? etc as if nothing had happened and he didn't provide any further explanation or apology for flopping. I tried to keep it polite but I was annoyed inside. He continued messaging every night around 12am right before I went bed so the conversations were very short. His messages were hot and cold. One night he'd be overly sweet..sickly in fact and the next he'd be cold or not message at all. I was now waking up and seeing the redflags by his behavior, being flirty and trying to brush things off, messaging late, mixed messages etc. My annoyance turned into disappointment as I felt that his behavior was belittling me and trying to make it seem like it was perfectly normal to be treated the way he has treated me and frankly I was bored of the BS and knew my worth!
I felt s*tty, so my gf's arranged for us to go out for a meal and catch up. I told them what was going on and showed them a photo of him as per their request. One of the girls eyes widened and she shrieked 'I know him!'....My heart sank. She went on to say that she had spoken to him previously on MM and they had met! She said nothing came of it as they decided to be friends. I asked her when that took place she said over a year ago which didn't line up with his story when he said he had only been using the app for a month. The more we talked, the more I realised how much BS this dude had spun.. he even lied about his racial background! She said he told her that he was half Pakistani & half Spanish and that he spoke fluent Urdu. No Russian background at all... Suffice to say I was p*ssed!
At that moment whatever respect I had for him was gone out of the window. My friends suggested I message him right there and then and ask him directly where this is going as he hadn't made any effort to meet up again and was playing games. So I did.. he played the whole 'we've only met once' and that 'we'd need more time to establish whether we want to pursue things or not' ...basically trying to make me seem like i'm being pushy.
When I called him out of giving me mixed messages, messaging me so late in the early hours of the morning, not suggesting we meet again after he flopped, flaking out of our meeting etc. I laid it all out on the table. His response was 'I work during the day dude so the fact I message you at 'random' times is better than not messaging you at all. Yes you did take the initiative to suggest meeting but you also said you had stuff on in the evening when I informed you the night before that I was without a car. I'm pretty tied up for the next two weekends with prior commitments so if you feel you're making the effort without any response then I sincerely wish you good luck'.
He was making it seem as if he was too important and sooo busy even though the so called pyramid scheme he was part of talked about freeing up time and enjoying life etc. He was also making it seem like he was doing me a favour by messaging me at all. He was also making it out that he was the one who told me about his car being at the garage even though I was the one to message him to make sure everything was OK for our meeting and he dropped this on me last minute #RedflagI'veLostCount
I could have said so many things but to me it was pointless as I had lost respect and trust in this person so I replied to 'Mo...all i'm going to say is that I wish you all the best back. Hope you find whatever you're looking for. Sallam'. He replied with 'Likewise ****, I'm sorry you feel the way you do' ...again making it seem like I was irrational and delusional and he has done nothing wrong...
I went on living my life and keeping busy with work, family, friends and I was in the process of accomplishing an important goal in my life so it was helping me forget him, not that I was in love with him but it was my fault that I had put him on a pedestal and allowed my bar to be lowered.
3 days go by and guess who pops into my whatsapp? Yip you guessed it right, our not-so-Russian mate Mo.. it was at a time when we had a lot of snow and most of the people were off work. His message consisted of 'Good morning ***** wakey wakey rise and shine. Have a great day at work or enjoy your day off like the 75% of the country :) ' ... suffice to say I ignored his message.
Another 3 days go by... I receive yet another message stating 'All the best :) '.. again I ignore this message...
A week goes by...yet another message stating 'Good Morning' .. I came to the conclusion if I don't block him he'll keep annoying me so I blocked him and put an end to it Alhamdulilah.
The moral of the story is do NOT ignore redflags, go with your gut instinct, don't put anyone on a pedastal just because they say they pray, read Qur'an and NEVER allow anyone to treat you with disrespect or make you seem like you're the crazy one ...know your self worth! Do not lower the bar for anyone and if you aren't receiving respect, honesty and transparency know that you're wasting your time and you need to move on!
If you've made it this far, I hope my story will be some kind of help to peeps out there or at least it was an entertaining read :)
submitted by Taz_Musk to SingleMuslimPeeps [link] [comments]

The Pyramid Scheme - My Muzmatch Encounter

Al Sallamu Alaikum,
I've been meaning to write this out for a long while but didn't want to rush it as the purpose in posting my MM experiences here are in the hope that I can help sisters, (and possibly brothers too) Inshaa Allah. I am not bashing the opposite gender as obviously I can't see what the female profiles look like. Also apologies for the long post but I think details are crucial.
Early on when I first started using MM app I must admit I was rather naive to what's out there as prior to this, interest I was getting was in real life through my parents etc.
One day as I was using the app I came across a dude's profile. Let's name him.. 'Mo', he was a teacher and 5 years my senior, he later told me he was half Spanish and half Russian. He was not stunning but he looked well put together. His profile was an interesting read and seemed professional.
At this stage I decided that I was going to make the first move and swipe right. Prior to this I was like a sitting duck waiting for matches thinking it was the 1800's or something lol. Shortly after I had a notification to say that he swiped me right and it was a match!
From memory I think he sent me a short message to say Sallam and I replied. We went back and forth with the usual chit chat and within a few days of talking he asked to exchange numbers in order to speak on Whatsapp. I'm very private but agreed to exchange details as the app was really glitchy and admittedly the poor matches. The conversation on whatsapp started with him being 'cheeky' saying things like save my number as 'goregous man' and calling me 'sweet cheecks'. I was a bit taken a back by this as seemed a bit egotistical and cheesy (which are 2 traits I dislike). I did call him out on it there and then by saying 'sweet cheeks? what are we 16? lol'. I think he got the jist that I wasn't falling for that rubbish. #Redflag1 (being overly flirty too soon and trying to charm)
I asked him straight up why he was there and he came across as rather defensive and said my question was 'odd'... as mentioned before I was somewhat new to the app and thought perhaps I offended him. Looking back now I don't feel that there was a reason to be defensive but anyway the convo continued to him saying message me back at 8.15pm. #Redflag2 as this was the 'controlling' aspect coming out ... read further down to see where I'm coming from.
He bought up the question that I had asked before regarding why he was on the app ... it was weird as thought that I dealt with this already. Again I went into detail to state it's because the dudes that I had previously spoken to seemed serious on their profiles but after speaking to them were only trying to pass the time or looking for someone with loose morals such as themselves. To this he disclosed that he had met 2 girls the previous month and both seemed confused. I thought right OK finally we're on the same page...
All of a sudden he said 'I would definitely like to meet you whenever you are ready *****'. I said i'd feel more comfortable speaking on the phone prior to meeting up. He seemed to be fine with this. We decided on a day and time to speak on the phone which was a generic conversation. Can't remember too much of it tbh.
I didn't hear from him the next day after our telephone convo and thought I'll message him in the evening to follow up, he replied several hours later...midnight to be precise. Admittedly I'm a bit of a night owl so didn't mind but this became a bit of a habit the more we spoke. #Redflag3 (when they message late it means you're an after thought or a boredom toy).
That same evening he said he was preparing for an event for 'his business' and said he has another one coming up and whether I'd be interested in going to this 'event' which happened to be very close to where I lived at that time. I thought OK as it wouldn't be a pressurized environment and I can calm my nerves a bit before we go for a coffee and talk properly.
He confirmed the date and said I was on the VIP list. I did ask what type of business but he said it would be better to talk in person and for him to explain. Thought fair enough, it will be a talking point. In that same convo he said he was going to pray and read some Qur'an, I thought brilliant and asked him if he could read it in Arabic, there was no motive to the question I was merely intrigued. He said he reads it in Arabic... I thought mama..I've hit the jackpot! lol
The following few days which let up to the meeting were short conversations of what you've been up to today? what did you eat? etc. the messages were coming through late in the evening as before so I tried to keep them short as thought we are meeting soon anyway. He was trying to be a bit flirty & I ignored the compliments etc
Finally the day came to meet...I was a bag of nerves! I think it's because I liked him and wanted everything to go well. I spoke to my girlfriends who gave me some tips on questions to ask and how to chill and be myself. An hour before the meeting I got dressed in my business attire and marched my way to meet him at this place. I went into the lobby area but there were so many people... so I messaged him to let him know that I was there. When alone get on your phone, so I busied myself with that. I must have been waiting for about 10 mins or maybe less but it seemed like an eternity. Finally I heard someone utter my name and I looked up and there he was. Have to admit he looked a bit different than his profile pics in terms of his hair looked longer and he had a bit of jewellery on with a suit that had a pattern that I can only describe as kitchen towel flashbacks.. he looked cheesy. Anyway we said hi to each other and did the small talk before we rushed to sign the entry register and made our way up to the next level and waited at the front of the line in order to get into this large conference room and it was packed! He disappeared briefly and I got talking to some sisters who didn't have a clue what the talk was about either. I didn't mind as felt safe as obviously I was amongst about 100 people.
So he comes back and they open the door and he keeps calling me to sit next to him. The setup is a large room with rows and rows of seats. So I sit next to him and smile as you do, it was rather loud so no chance of a convo. Shortly after the conference started. A guy goes up to the stage and starts talking a bit about the company and how well it's doing and his reason for joining the company which was to enjoy life and to savour time and basically not slave away our lives working and get out of the car race. There were some videos basically saying the same thing and how precious our time is and how we should work smarter to make money instead of working our fingers to the bone ...yada yada...I still had no idea what this company was about... An hour goes by and the main dude on the stage starts to invite some people to this stage.. some more vague wishy washy talking...more videos from their CEO in the US with thousands of people clapping... eventually they move on to presenting some people with awards and giving a shout out to some of the 'leaders' that have done really well...one by one they stand up and people clapping away. Then the guy giving the shout outs says Mo's name and he gets up and everyone claps. Still no idea what is going on at this stage... and tbh I lost interest as it had been several hours of vagueness. I later looked up the company and there is a heck of a lot of info about the company being a pyramid scheme and even had ex employees testimonies.
Eventually the whole thing is over and we make our way out. Mo asks me if there is anywhere nearby to grab a bite/ coffee which looking back now he should have known there would be as he mentioned to me previously that every sunday his 'company' has a meeting there... (how is it your company when you're not the CEO and merely an employee amongst many others?), at the time I didn't clock as it was busy and my brain was fried from the pointless meeting/ conference. I knew the area well so suggested a nearby cafe which we went to. It was a tad awkward and I was still a bit nervous but tried my best to ask all the right questions. I asked about his family, parents, siblings, friends, lifetyle, hobbies, likes/ dislikes etc he disclosed to me that his dad was out of the picture as he was an alcoholic, he also mentioned that he had no interaction with his Russian dad's side of the family but had a great relationship with his Spanish mum and her family.
Don't worry I wasn't fan-girling over him because of his mixed background as I come from a humble mixed background myself & don't see that as a big deal but this will become more apparent later on in the story as when I saw his picture I put him down as 'asian' looking, maybe Afgani, (he hadn't disclosed his ethnicity on his bio at the time).
I was touched by his closeness with his mum and how hard he worked to support her, (he was living at home)... I felt assured that he knew how to respect women. We talked some more and walked a bit and I called it a day. He suggested he gives me a lift but i politely declined. (Never get into a strangers car ladies & gents!).
Later that evening I received a message to say 'it was lovely meeting you'. The conversation seemed positive and pleasant. He asked me what I was doing and I explained I was looking at a first-aid book which my friend had gifted me as I've been a first-aider for many years and it's one of my interests... I sent him a pic of what I was reading which included a few drawings of how to perform mouth to mouth to adults and babies. He picked up on this and was trying to low key oversexualise the drawing in a jokey way. I played it off and joked back that I wasn't trying to imply anything. I brushed it off basically. #Redflag4 (low key turning anything normal into something sexual is a sign to look out for).
The convo's continue back and forth over a few days and one day he stops messaging. I didn't bother messaging first as was busy and felt that if he wanted to talk to me he knew how to contact me and he knew that I had 4 days off work as had informed him previously. 4 days I heard nothing from him. it was like he purposely avoided contacting me. He eventually messages out of the blue saying 'hi' and talking as if we were having a conversation just yesterday. I jokingly called him out on this as would have thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk some more and get to know each other. The convo was playful but had an undertone that left a bitter taste in the mouth a bit.
A few days go by and I come to the conclusion that it's time to step it up a notch as the convos were dying out so asked him what he'd be doing at the end of the week. He said he had plans, I thought ok fair enough and suggested another day which suited him too and we agreed to meet that day. We decided on a time and a place.
The conversations that followed were somewhat normal although he was being flirty, I put it down to his nature and thought to myself don't be a prude and laughed mostly, no flirting back from my side. So it was the day before our meeting and I thought i'd drop him a message in the evening to check in to make sure he was still up for out meeting. He replied back saying that his car was at the garage and that he was going to get it back the next day but had to push our meeting later on in the evening...much later in the evening. I thought it was weird as he didn't mention it before so I pressed him for a specific time that he thought he'd get his car back and he said he wasn't sure. I was getting some flakey vibes and arranged for other plans so told him we'd have to reschedule for another day. I wasn't willing to cancel my plans for him when we had previously agreed a date and a time and he hadn't informed me about his car at all the when we were talking. He said fine lets arrange another day. #Redflag5 (stuff happens in life but if you're genuine you will keep the other party informed and updated regarding anything that will alter the plans agreed, bearing in mind I messaged him first that evening and only then did he disclose this info).
He messages the following day with the usual 'hi, how are you? etc as if nothing had happened and he didn't provide any further explanation or apology for flopping. I tried to keep it polite but I was annoyed inside. He continued messaging every night around 12am right before I went bed so the conversations were very short. His messages were hot and cold. One night he'd be overly sweet..sickly in fact and the next he'd be cold or not message at all. I was now waking up and seeing the redflags by his behavior, being flirty and trying to brush things off, messaging late, mixed messages etc. My annoyance turned into disappointment as I felt that his behavior was belittling me and trying to make it seem like it was perfectly normal to be treated the way he has treated me and frankly I was bored of the BS and knew my worth!
I felt s*tty, so my gf's arranged for us to go out for a meal and catch up. I told them what was going on and showed them a photo of him as per their request. One of the girls eyes widened and she shrieked 'I know him!'....My heart sank. She went on to say that she had spoken to him previously on MM and they had met! She said nothing came of it as they decided to be friends. I asked her when that took place she said over a year ago which didn't line up with his story when he said he had only been using the app for a month. The more we talked, the more I realised how much BS this dude had spun.. he even lied about his racial background! She said he told her that he was half Pakistani & half Spanish and that he spoke fluent Urdu. No Russian background at all... Suffice to say I was p*ssed!
At that moment whatever respect I had for him was gone out of the window. My friends suggested I message him right there and then and ask him directly where this is going as he hadn't made any effort to meet up again and was playing games. So I did.. he played the whole 'we've only met once' and that 'we'd need more time to establish whether we want to pursue things or not' ...basically trying to make me seem like i'm being pushy.
When I called him out of giving me mixed messages, messaging me so late in the early hours of the morning, not suggesting we meet again after he flopped, flaking out of our meeting etc. I laid it all out on the table. His response was 'I work during the day dude so the fact I message you at 'random' times is better than not messaging you at all. Yes you did take the initiative to suggest meeting but you also said you had stuff on in the evening when I informed you the night before that I was without a car. I'm pretty tied up for the next two weekends with prior commitments so if you feel you're making the effort without any response then I sincerely wish you good luck'.
He was making it seem as if he was too important and sooo busy even though the so called pyramid scheme he was part of talked about freeing up time and enjoying life etc. He was also making it seem like he was doing me a favour by messaging me at all. He was also making it out that he was the one who told me about his car being at the garage even though I was the one to message him to make sure everything was OK for our meeting and he dropped this on me last minute #RedflagI'veLostCount
I could have said so many things but to me it was pointless as I had lost respect and trust in this person so I replied to 'Mo...all i'm going to say is that I wish you all the best back. Hope you find whatever you're looking for. Sallam'. He replied with 'Likewise ****, I'm sorry you feel the way you do' ...again making it seem like I was irrational and delusional and he has done nothing wrong...
I went on living my life and keeping busy with work, family, friends and I was in the process of accomplishing an important goal in my life so it was helping me forget him, not that I was in love with him but it was my fault that I had put him on a pedestal and allowed my bar to be lowered.
3 days go by and guess who pops into my whatsapp? Yip you guessed it right, our not-so-Russian mate Mo.. it was at a time when we had a lot of snow and most of the people were off work. His message consisted of 'Good morning ***** wakey wakey rise and shine. Have a great day at work or enjoy your day off like the 75% of the country :) ' ... suffice to say I ignored his message.
Another 3 days go by... I receive yet another message stating 'All the best :) '.. again I ignore this message...
A week goes by...yet another message stating 'Good Morning' .. I came to the conclusion if I don't block him he'll keep annoying me so I blocked him and put an end to it Alhamdulilah.
The moral of the story is do NOT ignore redflags, go with your gut instinct, don't put anyone on a pedastal just because they say they pray, read Qur'an and NEVER allow anyone to treat you with disrespect or make you seem like you're the crazy one ...know your self worth! Do not lower the bar for anyone and if you aren't receiving respect, honesty and transparency know that you're wasting your time and you need to move on!
If you've made it this far, I hope my story will be some kind of help to peeps out there or at least it was an entertaining read :)
submitted by Taz_Musk to u/Taz_Musk [link] [comments]

Ayisha’s Escapades, Part 1

Hello Everyone,
This is my first attempt. Do leave an encouraging message with your thoughts on the post below in the comments section. Or if you want a picture of the lingerie I've described, mail me on [email protected].
Also please feel free to replace the names of the characters using the 'replace' function in Word to make the character more 'familiar' - a neighbours wife's name, a sister-in-law, a school teacher - something closer to home that gets you off!
Part 1
As her eyes opened that early September morning and the dry autumn breeze from the Arabian Gulf caressed her cheeks, Ayisha smiled with contentment. The much-awaited sabbatical had finally commenced and for the first time since she moved to Manama 4 years ago, she had a prolonged period of quiet and privacy to look forward too. Hassan her husband of 5 years returned from work around sunset and it was only 10 AM. Ayisha had her days planned out and exploring her sexuality through her fantasies without interruption was at the top of her list. For a 28-year-old woman, one would assume this was an absurd goal to look forward to. But not for Ayisha.
Ayisha’s upbringing could best be characterized as conservative and crowded. Born to a Punjabi school teacher in Islamabad, Ayisha was the fifth of seven girls. Her home for the better part of her life was all of three rooms which housed all seven members of the family. Her cloistered Islamic upbringing influenced her persona significantly. Prayers five times a day were compulsory and a Hijab around male family and friends was mandatory. Marriage was a foregone conclusion and the girls only prayed they’d find someone acceptable and less conservative than their father and his generation.
Freedom and education were a means and an end to self-determination. Ayisha’s natural brilliance had ensured she excelled in school and went on to study business in the city, where she met Hassan. Their friendship was effortless and the attraction that developed eventually led to a matrimony that wasn’t always smooth, given Ayisha’s stubbornness but nevertheless eventually conciliatory. A month before the wedding date, Ayisha noticed Hassan’s overtures with certain male friends. As her curiosity grew, she confronted her fiancé and learnt of Hassan’s bisexuality. At that time, so close to her Marriage, Ayisha’s world fell apart as she was faced with the embarrassment of calling her wedding off. Eventually, her decision was a compromise. Ayisha weighed the pros and cons of her dilemma clinically and decided to go ahead with the marriage, and in the initial years, it seemed to have worked out well. Hassan came from a significantly moneyed family of traders, was 5’9”, fair, ravishingly handsome and very liberal by Pakistani standards. The decision to marry Hassan seemed obviously rational for 24-year old Ayisha and appeared to set off his biggest shortcoming - or so it appeared!
Contrary to what one would expect of newlyweds in a conservative puritanical Islamic community like the Pakistani Punjabi’s were, Hassan’s bisexuality and ravishing good looks had ensured that Ayisha wouldn’t face the problems of frightful inexperience their friends had faced on their first matrimonial night. Hassan had sex with both men and women on numerous occasions and Ayisha was smoothly inducted into a world of sexual ecstasy. Hassan and Ayisha had begun exploring their sexuality together and enjoyed it thoroughly. Ayisha wasn’t favorably predisposed to anal sex but was willing to dispense with and receive oral sex, something they both enjoyed thoroughly. For this, the couple had resolved to keep their pubic regions shaven regularly.
Another act Hassan enjoyed thoroughly was watching Ayisha parade in extremely flimsy and arousing lingerie and pose and strip for him. As a result, Ayisha had accumulated a collection of numerous outfits - Baby dolls, Chemises, Teddy’s, Robes, Gowns and Stockings from some of the best lingerie labels in the world including Glowcherie, Hlumeria and Tandy. Some afternoons, Ayisha also enjoyed parading naked, decked in nothing but jewelry, inherited from her mother-in-law and mother just before her marriage. This included bracelets, necklaces, belly chains, pearl necklaces, earrings flower crowns and head pieces.
However, as in most marriages time and familiarity wore down the thrill and the couple grew less intimate gradually. As her collection of jewelry and lingerie grew, Hassan’s interest in sex and Ayisha was ebbing, as was Ayisha’s. While their love for each other and camaraderie strengthened as a couple, their marriage had increasingly become less sexual and more functional. Nevertheless, their understanding of each other improved and they remained accommodative of each other.
As Ayisha stood in front of the full length oval mirror and stretched that morning, she couldn’t help but admire her 29- year old figure. Consistent with her Islamic upbringing, she immediately recited a short prayer of thanks in her head and for good reason. Ayisha was blessed with a willowy 5’7” frame encapsulating her 32 25-35 measurements. Her shoulder length straight cobalt black hair was well nourished, encasing her pear shaped face with round brown eyes and a perfect roman nose over her thin wide lips that lit up a room when she smiled. Her fluffy ‘C’ cup breasts sat firmly on her chest and just slightly stuck out on either side, when they weren’t enclosed in her braziers – which she really didn’t need given their firmness. Her aureoles were tiny, dark colored and contrasted her fair complexion faultlessly. However, Ayisha felt her nipples were relatively large and protrusive, serving as a source of momentary shyness when Hassan would gaze at them when they fucked with her on top, her torso gloriously rocking back and forth as she rode him to ecstasy. Nevertheless, her nipples stood out firmly, sensitive and rousing, especially through the white translucent mid thigh nighty she had on, as the early rays of the day outlined her curves through her flimsy outfit. Ayisha’s attractiveness attracted attention everywhere. She was the object of Hassans’ friends’ attention which Ayisha secretly exulted in, especially when she wore single dark color sheer sarees, that amply outlined her curves under the low neck blouses, that accentuated her cleavage.
Ayisha gently swirled, glancing behind to inspect her buttocks and her legs through the mirror. Perhaps Ayisha’s imperfections were in her lower body. Her extra weight tended to concentrate on her buttocks, which she worked very hard to keep shapely. Her thighs also shared the burden of the extra body mass and Ayisha’s workout regime helped keep them shapely and firm, albeit heavier than she would desire. Hassan, on the other hand loved her milky white thighs and buttocks and often lightly scolded her for unduly worrying about a little excess weight in the right places.
Ayisha’s drifting mind shifted to Sumeir, her charming boss at her consulting firm and the most suave person she had met in Manama. Sumeir was also responsible for approving Ayisha’s sabbatical. At 37, Sumeir was six feet high and kept himself in excellent shape. With deep-set eyes, a chiseled face and a pronounced chin, he had features that would have people momentarily mistake him for Matthew McConaughey. Ayisha had developed a friendship with Sumeir and even flirted subtlety with him occasionally, even though he was an Indian Hindu – a taboo by any standards in Pakistan. Sumeir often featured in Ayisha’s fantasies. ‘Sexy Sumeir’ as she had secretly nicknamed him while gently biting her lower lip in a moment of forbidden ecstasy. But what really turned Ayisha on was Sumeir’s success and authoritativeness. Sumeir was brilliant at his work and had rapidly become very successful at ANG Consulting. At 37, he was a senior partner, wore a Rolex, drove a convertible Mercedes and carried himself like Roger Federer. His colleagues from the US and UK offices looked to him for solutions, their clients encountered in the Middle East – and sure enough, Sumeir always found a solution to their satisfaction, given his Rolodex filled with names of the rich, powerful, and influential across the region. His imposing tone and demeanor always pushed Ayisha to strive for him at work. Often it was as though she was possessed by his voice and worked hard till the early hours of the morning to ensure that the task got done to Sumeir’s satisfaction. Ayisha was Sumeir’s bitch at work and in more ways than he could possibly conceive in her fantasies!
Ayisha indulged herself more intensely and placed her fingers inside the waist band of her underwear as she imagined Sumeir standing right next to the mirror in her bedroom, with his arms folded across his broad chest, over his unbuttoned white shirt, looking at her with his charming sexy smile. Deciding to reveal more to him, she gently slid her panties down till they bunched two inches above her knees and very slowly bent over, with her legs slightly apart, her lips pouting all along, as if to coyly imply he was invading his privacy. Her full round buttocks expanded and Ayisha imagined Sumeir’s eyes lapping up the image of her buttocks she saw in the mirror as his erection came alive. A shiver ran down her spine and her pussy convulsed at the thought of revealing her modesty to him and imagining his firm penis. A man outside her marriage, her religion who wasn’t her husband –so utterly profane yet so deeply stimulating! Ayisha lightly swayed her buttocks sideways and pushed them outwards, repeating the motion, accentuating her curves and briefly revealing her alluring anus, enough to tempt her Sumeir in her fantasy. Finally, Ayisha needed to touch herself as the stimulation of her forbidden thoughts sent a tingling sensation to her pussy which convulsed involuntarily and released its initial squirt of wetness. She stood up, let her panties fall to the ground, switched off the lights in the room, turned on the dim bed lamp and pushed the door shut. Ayisha knelt on her bed with her legs apart, buttocks on her heels and proceeded to lift her nighty over her head to reveal her gorgeous breasts which had begun to stiffen ever so slightly due to her arousal. She pushed her breasts out and caressed them, all the while imagining Sumeir watching her kneel with her knees apart, her thighs spread out. The thought of fucking him was still too bold for this conservative Pakistani belle who was so loyal to her marriage in reality. Ayisha laydown on her substantial matrimonial post bed, pillows under her head, and spread her legs wide. Her right index finger found her clitoris and she gently began to caress it, all the while thinking of Sumeir looking at her, stroking his penis as she rubbed her clit and her pussy moistened. Her left hands touched her breasts, gently feeling her nipples first and then squeezing on her breasts. She roleplayed Sumeir, in his deep commanding voice, asking her to turn around. Ayisha smiled and complied. Looking and talking, not touching was the acceptable fantasy. Ayisha turned around, her radiant hair draping both sides of her face, lay flat on her stomach and then slowly hoisted her buttocks on her knees with her head and shoulders still on the bed. From the other massive mirror besides her bed, Ayisha saw her buttocks in all their glory on display and half -smiled at the reflection in the mirror. Her fingers went back to work as she imagined Sumeir closely gazing at her pussy and her buttocks while he rubbed his penis. “All yours Sumeir, it’s all yours darling”, she whispered to him in her head, while rubbing her clitoris more vigorously now. After a couple of minutes in that position Ayisha rolled over onto her back, imagined Sumeir’s take his shirt off and lie down next to her on the bed. He wore only his boxer’s now while he rubbed his sizeable member. “At least 8 inches” she thought to herself, as she molded an image of his penis. She wondered if she should look at it, but watching him rub it through his boxers was just less profane to her conservative sensibilities. Imagining Sumeir next to her on the bed, his deepset eyes roaming the surface of her body, while he stroked his hard on and they masturbated mutually, Ayisha’s fantasy yielded a mindnumbing orgasm that wet her fingers substantially. The satisfaction lasted for over fifteen complete seconds and her heart pounded, as she climaxed. Finally, as her heart found its pace Ayisha fell into a deep slumber for the rest of the morning, with an intensely satisfying smile on her face.
Ayisha’s explored countless fantasies as she indulged herself further. A wealth of erotic literature and pornography covering various genres, developed a vivid imagination, pushing the boundaries of what was acceptable to her rapidly liberalizing mind. A VPN installed on her laptop ensured access to all the websites the Bahraini telecom provider had blocked. Because of her erstwhile innocence, Ayisha was unaware most of the genres existed. In her fantasies, she was now having sex, even with multiple men - all handsome, well-endowed, rich, powerful and influential including royalty, corporate leaders, military majors, colonels, Brigadiers, Presidents, Prime Ministers and Politicians – authoritative men in command who gave orders which had to be complied with. Revolutionaries turned her off. She considered them foolish and wasteful – only till they gained positions of power. In some fantasies, Hassan was consigned to a cuckold and every other man had a larger penis and was more muscular. In others, Ayisha played the slut wife – with Hassan playing the Dominant who would pimp her for favors, promotions and monetary benefits for their mutual benefit, while he masturbated watching and even joining in with his wife while she had sex with men, women and even transsexuals. Ayisha reconciled the guilt caused by her conservative Islamic upbringing, that shunned most of her fantasies, by reminding herself, that she was just fantasizing and was still a loyal wife in truth, if not in spirit.
Further, in her daily prayers - once of the five times prescribed by her religion - she begged for forgiveness, giving her conscience some respite. Nevertheless, Ayisha’s libido got stronger over the next few weeks and eventually her guilt vanished. She now masturbated in various positions using several objects including plastic shampoo bottles, and cold glasses which warmed inside her pussy after titillating her clitoris.
Hassan remained unaware of his wife’s new-found sexuality, but noticed she dressed more provocatively than before. Her ‘Kameez’ or top had V or U - neck collars and their length were mid-thigh rather than the knee length, that was considered conservative. Her undergarments were brighter, colorful and racier than ever. She clearly preferred low cut G strings and thongs rather than classic or high cut briefs. Her choice in Bras too was more salacious, preferring strapless, half cup bustier’s that pronounced her curves and produced sizeable cleavage. Her choice in sarees screamed “show more”, as she donned the low waist chiffon and silk variety that draped her curves. Accompanying her choice in sarees, were short blouses, that finished closer to her breasts, revealing her shoulder blades and her spotless back amply. Hassan wasn’t the only one who noticed Ayisha’s new look at social and office gatherings. Shahid, Hassan’s boss at the bank also desired her immensely.
Hassan didn’t object to Ayisha’s new look. In fact, he quiet enjoyed it and took snaps of Ayisha, as she disrobed from her sarees. He would also secretly enjoy watching his colleagues look at Ayisha from afar at social gatherings. Ayisha outdid all the other women and made Hassan proud of her. She blindly trusted her husband and happily posed for him however he desired. Sex with Hassan had also become steamier, with Ayisha trying new poses and techniques, she was learning in her ample spare time. Yet Anal sex, an act Hassan yearned for, remained ‘off the menu’, though Ayisha curiosity was heightened after having watched numerous pornstar’s accept anal so proficiently.
Ali would come in at 2 PM to clean the dishes and mop the kitchen floor. The activity took exactly 30 minutes and Ali got paid more than he should for working at Ayisha and Hassan Wazir’s home for half an hour. Given that he also did other odd jobs in their apartment block, Ali had to stay on time, to not upset his 12 daily wage employers. The work was easy and the money great for a former uneducated Bangladeshi murderer of 24 years with no family responsibilities except his 21-year-old brother Saif. Ayisha had employed Ali for over 2 years and had no complaints about the quality of his work. Over time the Wazirs’ had come to trust him unaware of his past, and left the front door to the apartment unlocked, so Ali could let himself in, work and depart, without bothering them.
Since her sabbatical commenced, Ayisha called Ali in at 2 PM for his chores to ensure that the dishes would be ready for dinner preparations at 4 PM. Ali’s abject poverty in Dhaka had led him to resort to theft and murder for a small sum of two hundred thousand Bangladeshi rupiah. To evade the law, Ali had killed a cousin who looked strikingly similar, swapped their identities, sunk his body into the marshes, and fled the country by circumventing the police verifications required for a new job in the Gulf. Ali’s opportunity to work in the middle east was his second chance in life.
As he walked into the house on that December afternoon, Ali headed into down the carpeted corridor to the kitchen. Just as he was about to turn in the kitchen, he heard a moan that stopped him in his tracks. He heard another unmistakable moan and quietly made his way towards the master bedroom two doors away at the far end of the corridor. As he reached the room, the moans became less faint and through the slightest gap between the door and its frame, he saw the most erotic sight he was privy to in his entire life. Ayisha Memsaab was naked and upright, her back to him, grinding her hips into the ledge of the bed. Ayisha had obviously forgotten to close the door shut pat. Ali felt his heart race at the sight and lapped it in for a couple of minutes. Next, he whipped out his camera phone, and carefully clicked whatever snaps he could. After risking everything, Ali went back to the kitchen and started washing the dishes. Ayisha heard the clatter of dishes in the kitchen just after she climaxed, donned her house robe over her camisole, went to the Kitchen, got some water and returned to her room, acknowledging Ali with a very brief half smile. That evening Ali went thru the photos and shared them with his brother. They took turns jacking off to Ayisha’s bare back and voluptuous Arse of which Ali had maybe thirty pictures. Boys like Ali and Saif yearned for an opportunity like this in Bahrain which had no entertainment of any sorts for them. Ali slowly grew bolder over the coming weeks and evened started pushing the big wooden door a little more when he heard Ayisha moan. His boldness bore fruit as Ali collection of Ayisha’s nude pictures got more explicit. He had enough compromising pictures of Ayisha and even a video of Ayisha looking at the mirror completely naked squeezing her breasts. A devious plan began to form in his criminal mind.
It was the end of November and Ayisha walked into the kitchen with Ali’s thirty-five Bahraini Dinars. As she left the money on the kitchen counter, she noticed Ali’s phone. As she got a closer look, she nervously shivered. Ayisha picked up the phone and swiped through Ali’s camera roll. Her nervousness turned to rage, and Ayesha yelled at Ali.
“What’s this? Where did you get these? How?” She squealed in anger and nervousness. For the next 5 minutes Ayisha yelled and screamed at Ali, calling him a sick pervert, a criminal, hurling the choicest profanities at him in Urdu, for Ali knew no English. Ali stood listening, stoic and expressionless. Finally, Ayisha went quiet, sobbing uncontrollable and slumped to the floor, and began to delete the photos in Ali’s gallery.
“I have seven copies of those photos and one wonderful video, so it’s no use” Ali beamed proudly anticipating her action.
Ayisha took the phone and hurled it at Ali but missing him by inches. Ali didn’t worry about the phone. The prize he was about to demand was enormously mouthwatering.
“I’ll be here at 2 PM tomorrow. Based on what your wearing, I’ll decide whether to release the photos to Hassan Saab and your two friends on Habtoor street.” Ayisha had introduced Ali to her friends as a ‘reliable’ houseboy.
“I shall also post them on the internet if you aren’t dressed invitingly.” The names of some very familiar sites rolled off Ali’s proud and devious tongue.
“If I am attacked in any manner, by you or anyone tomorrow and I do not return home at 4 PM, a friend will release upload them at 4 :05 PM.”
“Noooooooooooooo!” Ayisha cried loudly as the prospect of her modesty on display, for millions to view, filtered through her mind.
“Your call”, said Ali as picked up the three pieces of his phone and walked past Ayisha and out of the house. As he left, he looked down at Ayisha, winked at her and half smiled devilishly as if to claim his victory that afternoon.
Ayisha’s lifted herself up, wiped her face and went to her bedroom. Her mind raced wildly as she assessed her choices. There was no one other than Hassan she could turn to and it would be ruinous to her marriage and their stature if the photos and videos got out. She didn’t know how many he had and how compromising they were. She had to find out and control the situation. She couldn’t confide in Hassan. It would ruin her marriage and that spelt doom for a woman in her country and community. Ayisha calmed down and thought it through, finally deciding dejectedly to give into Ali’s demands and went about her evening chores by putting on a pretense of normalcy that evening, she had mastered like every cloistered obedient Pakistani bride.
Ayisha couldn’t think clearly the next morning. She kept picturing Ali in her bed naked pounding her pussy in missionary position. Ali was six feet high. Physical labor over time, in the sweltering heat had yielded a lanky and chiseled frame. But Ali was dark skinned, and a laborer and Ayisha was conditioned to keep ‘a distance’ from the ‘help’. Call it racial bias but the Punjabi’s placed a premium on white skin and Ayisha was no exception. As the clock ran down, Ayisha’s nervousness crept back and she cried many times, reversing her decision and once again reconciling to it as she decided she had to get through the day. Finally, at 1 PM Ayisha showered, picked an outfit and fixed some basic makeup. The red floral lingerie robe and accompanying red G string left nothing to chance. The robe was crafted of see through lace and was loosely held together by a black velvet belt. It had capped sleeves that ended just below the shoulders and fell midway to her ample buttocks. Her G string was also see-thru lace, low rise with a tiny black bow in the front at the top of the outfit. Ayisha wore pink lipstick and colored her eyelashes a deep black. Ayisha looked stunning and resembled a bride on her first night, decked and ready for her husband to ravish and deflower her. She marveled at how well her appearance masked the angst of her current situation.
At 1:40 PM, Ayisha felt her heart sink and locked the front door. As Ali walked to the door and turned the knob at 2:01 PM, he was visibly disappointed and rang the bell just once. Ayisha stood on the other side and froze. Finally, as she heard Ali’s footsteps recede, Ayisha immediately unlocked the door and took three steps back into the corridor. The receding footsteps stopped. Ayisha looked the other way, as the door knob turned, and Ali walked in and saw her in all her glory, her inviting outfit signaling her consent. His penis twitched, and his hard-on grew as he inspected Ayisha from head to toe. Ali walked up to Ayisha and placed his index finger between her collar bones and slowly traced a path down to the tip of her g string untying her belt on the way. Ayisha’s breasts remained covered, yet barely while her hear turned away with a resigned look. Ali moved her chin back gently so that she faced him.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be very gentle.” He said reassuringly and kissed her lips gently.
Ayisha’s big eyes met his and her eyelids batted in quick succession.
“Take a shower. Use a lot of soap, you stink!”, finally she ordered in Urdu, smelling the stench of his perspiration.
Ayisha walked down the corridor and into the room with Ali following closely behind, checking out her voluptuous arse that her robe failed to cover. Ayisha turned her head around, caught him looking at her and gave him a half smile and shook her head. “Men” she thought.
Ali entered the bathroom showered while Ayisha sat on the bed her robe fastened again. When Ali opened the door, he was drying himself and stood naked except for his briefs. Ayisha looked up and was pleasantly surprised to see that Ali had an extremely well carved, thin torso but strong limbs and well-shaped calves to go with them. His boxers concealed an erection that appeared to be larger than she expected. Ayisha found herself admiring his physique, and was surprised to feel a moistness between her legs. She found herself imagining what his buttocks looked like. Ali dried up and walked up to his exquisite prize.
“Stand up”, he ordered gently as he swapped places with her and had her face him.
Ali kissed her around her navel and probed it gently as his hands caressed the back of her thighs and roamed her buttocks. He proceeded to lower her G string slowly, to reveal a beautiful ‘innie’ vagina. As she kicked her G string away, Ayisha’s heart raced in anticipation, as she felt her pussy lubricate more. The thought of sex with Ali was becoming less disagreeable with every passing moment as her arousal grew.
Ali stood up, turned her around and gently pushed Ayisha down on her bed. Ayisha lay down with her feet hanging off the bed at her knees. Ali got on his knees, spread her legs aside and gently spread her pussy lips to reveal her clitoris. Ali dove in with his tongue and licked her clit, skillfully a few times. Ayisha sighed as the sensations played truant with her head. Ali’s gifted tongue left her clit and jabbed at her pussy fucking it while he tasted her juices. Ayisha moaned faintly in ecstasy. After five minutes of Ali's tongue around her vagina, Ayisha convulsed and released her first orgasm by a man, outside her marriage in the process. Her body stiffened as her mound arched up. Ali clutched on to her pussy, maintaining his assault. As her orgasm subsided she looked at Ali cravingly. Ayisha untied her robe and revealing her 32 C tits and squeeze them while Ali dropped his briefs, freeing his 9-inch penis with a girth that was thicker than Hassan.
Ayisha grabbed Ali by the hair and guided his mouth to her breasts which he earnestly sucked on while his penis rubbed against Ayisha’s mound. Ali stopped only when Ayisha reached out for it and guided it to her pussy opening. Ayisha looked down to see his penis and her eyes widened as she saw it enter her pussy. “Oh God!”, she shrieked. Ali’s penis filled her pussy like nothing ever before. As Ali entered her pussy, Ayesha fixated on Ali’s face, her mouth making an ‘O’ in sheer ecstatic anticipation. Ali ploughed her cunt slowly initially, allowing her to loosen fully and faster later causing Ayisha to convulse regularly.
Ali pulled out, gestured her to get higher on the bed and got between her legs which instinctively wrapped around his waist once he entered her for a second time. For the next 10 minutes, Ali ploughed in and out of Ayisha’s pussy at varying speeds. Ayisha turned her head looked at the mirror and noticed that her lower calves held onto on Ali’s buttocks and involuntarily squeezed them whenever he slowed his pace, beckoning him to persist to thumping her pussy . As Ayisha orgasmed yet again, she grabbed Ali’s head and for the first time looked into his eyes and kissed his lips hungrily. Ali responded as his tongue darted into her mouth and their tongues locked in a long passionate French kiss that left them breathless.
Ayisha pushed Ali off momentarily, dropped her red robe off her shoulders and got on her hands and knees offering her beautiful Arse to Ali, beckoning him to penetrate her doggy style. Ali penetrated her pussy from behind, once again going where her husband’s 7-inch member never reached, delivering sensations she never experienced before. Ayisha was delirious and Ali took full advantage of her. He smacked her buttocks a few times and toyed her anus with her index finger, till she squealed and scolded him gently, only to have him focus his attention on her tits. Ali grabbed her hair and pulled her up gently, while still penetrating her from behind and grabbed her full C cups and went from squeezing her hardened tits to pinching her nipples and back to her breasts while pounding her all the time skillfully from behind. For a moment, they slowed down and Ayisha looked at the mirror.
Ayisha had a black man’s hands squeezing her left breast while his right hand flicked her right nipple – All this as she arched her back while he nibbled on her neck and fucked her from behind with his 9-inch penis which was firmly lodged in her pussy.
‘My very own porn production’ thought Ayisha as she lodged the exquisitely erotic sight firmly into her memory.
Finally, Ayisha lowered her head onto the bed, so her back was arched and her arse hoisted. Ali’s onslaught was magnificent. The stroking turned into thrusts, then into pounding while he slapped her arse repeatedly, as she experienced pain and pleasure like never before. Ali doggy fucked Ayisha wildly in that position for 10 minutes squeezing and pinching her buttocks. Ayisha’s moans became shrieks as the pleasure overwhelmed her. Finally, Ayisha came, wiggling her perfect round buttocks and wailing in the process as a stream of cum rolled down her thighs. Ali came next, but pulled out just before, disappointing Ayisha who desperately wanted to experience the flood of his semen in her pussy – just to see how cum felt so deep in her pussy. Ayisha made a mental note for her next encounter with Ali. Ali came next, groaning in the process, as he shot three strings of cum that landed on Ayisha’s back and hair
Finally, Ali fell back and collapsed on the bed. Ayisha moved onto her side and looked at his substantial member, for which she had a fast developing obsession, shrink slowly. Her mouth watered as she looked at it and she made another mental note of sucking it the next time. Ayisha fell back onto the bed her face displaying pure ecstasy.
Suddenly after 3 minutes, Ali got up, entered the bathroom, showered and dried and returned to the kitchen to finish his chores. Bemused, Ayisha entered the shower after he left and cleaned up. When she came out and went to the kitchen Ali was gone and the dishes were done. Ayisha smiled went back to bed and dozed off, dreaming of Ali’s cock, visualizing their next encounter. Her first extramarital encounter was magnificent and Ayisha surprisingly felt no guilt at cheating on Hassan. That night Ayisha slept well. Her anxiety over the situation with Ali had subsided and all she could think of was his dark glistening member.
End of Part 1
Do leave an encouraging message with your thoughts on the post below. Or if you want a picture of the lingerie I've described mail me on [email protected].
Also please feel free to replace the names of the characters using the 'replace' function in Word to make the character more 'familiar' - a neighbours wife's name, a sister-in-law, a school teacher - something closer to home that gets you off!
Part 2, coming soon!
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Urdu Poetry and literature, Love, Romantic, Sad

Our Pakistan is complete of stunning and gifted humans. We just can’t neglect our heroes, pilots, singers, sports activities person and especially the well-famous poets of Pakistan. There are exquisite poets additionally oldsters which might be born or immigrated to Pakistan. when you have loose time to take a look at down the ten poets of Pakistan, then we are proper right here to help you thru this article.
The list of 10 poets of Pakistan is apparent which encompass the superhumans like Muhammad Iqbal and Mirza Ghalib. absolutely everyone knows that these well-known famous poets might also or might not be alive now, however, all of them are alive in our coronary heart and e-books. right here is the list of top 10 famous poets of Pakistan. Have a look!
Allama Muhammad Iqbal “The poet of the East” is none apart from Allama Iqbal (November 9, 1887 – April 21, 1938). he is one of the maximum well-known famous poets of Pakistan. He did his Masters in philosophy and commenced poetry and Urdu language. His first of poetry was “Asrar -e- Khudi” in the Persian language. the precept paintings of Iqbal have become to enlighten the considering Muslims a good way to stay independently. He is likewise called “u . s. poet of Pakistan”.
His e-books are:
Asrar e Khudi
Zarb e Kaleem
Bang e Dara
Payam e Mashriq
Bal e Jibril
aside from this, he wrote many e-books outside of poetry and the satisfactory example is “The Reconstruction of non-secular concept in Islam”.
Meer Taqi Meer one of the top well-known and famous poets of Pakistan is Meer Taqi Meer (September 1723 – 21 September 1810). His real call becomes “Meer Muhammad Taqi” and moreover called”Khuda-e-Sukhn”, this means that the “God of poetry”. He has his personal fashion of poetry and ghazals and moreover has been praised through other poets and literary critics. moreover, “Deewane-e-meer” is the finishing touch of his verses, that is to be had in each nook of the world.
Hafeez Jullundhri He is likewise referred to as one of the well-famous poets of Pakistan (14th January 1990 – 21 December 1982). He emerges as so well-know famous to help the ideology of Allama Iqbal to shape a brand new kingdom and to aware the Muslims. Hafeez Jullundhri has written the lyrics of Pakistani country wide Anthem and known as the massive Urdu poetry. His poetry is romantic, spiritual and includes herbal topics. He modified into offered with the Hilal -e- Imtiaz and delight of ordinary overall performance awards for the brilliant patriot poetry. He got totally high fame with the assist of narration of Islamic history in verse, referred to as “Firdowsi’s Shahnama”.
Also Read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momin_Khan_Momin
Mirza Ghalib Born on 27th December 1797 and died on fifteenth February 1869, Mirza Ghalib is most of the most famous poets of Pakistan. His real name changed into Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan, changed right into a classical Urdu and Persian poet. Mirza Ghalib wrote many Ghazals in his existence, and plenty of human beings have given him tribute via using making a song his Ghazals in unique methods. he is one of the most influential poets in South Asia for his command on Urdu language.
Ehsan Danish: The famous and substantive poet from Pakistan grow to be Ehsan Danish like exclusive many poets. His life revolves spherical himself, who has less than primary education, has worked as a laborer for years, however, in the end, he has turned out to be a beautiful poet. He has written extra than 80 ebooks and lots of articles on poetry, philology, autobiography, prose, linguistics and the interpretation of “Diwan-e-Ghalib”. it's miles very sudden to realize that the simplest five% of his works are published till now and the final is within the shape of the manuscript.
Parveen Shakir: The girl whose call is written in the golden terms maximum of the list of well-famous woman poets of Pakistan is none other than Syeda Parveen Shakir. She has become born on 24th November 1952 – twenty 6th December 1994 and skilled girl poets of the generation. She has performed many works for Urdu literature and academia and changed into moreover a trainer. Her first romantic poetry album became “Khushbu”, which end up launched in 1976. afterward, her variety of ghazals, performs and nazams have been posted and she becomes offered with the “pleasure of standard performance”.
Amjad Islam Amjad: The poet, drama writer and lyricist Amjad Islam Amjad (4th August 1944) is a famed call within the information. He has won “Sitara-e-Imtiaz” and “pleasure of performance” for his poetry and literature paintings. Amjad Islam Amjad is on the start belonged to Sialkot, but he migrated to Lahore, Pakistan at some stage in the partition of British India and Pakistan. He began his profession as a lecturer in government MAO college, Lahore, after which become the director of the Pakistan television agency.
His well-known famous e-books are:
Us Par
Sehar Aasar
Khawaja Meer Dard: Khawaja Mir Dard become born in 1721 and died in 1785. he is called one of the poets of Pakistan. His biggest achievements had been in Urdu Ghazal and classical Urdu Ghazals. He has masses of Sufi couplets and taken into consideration to be the best poet, who has awesome command in Urdu poetry. you may see his works, which can be full of Sufi mind.
His instance of kalam is,
زندگی ہے یا کوئی طوفان ہے
ہم تو اس جينے کے ہاتھوں مر چلے
Faiz Ahmed Faiz Born in thirteenth February 1911 and died on 20th November, he's the well-famous poet of Pakistan, named as Faiz Ahmed Faiz. He has completed the intellectual artwork in Urdu literacy and has additionally been provided for Nobel Prize of literature four instances. now not handiest in Urdu, his artwork has unfolded over in Punjabi, Persian, English, and Russian. Faiz Ahmed Faiz modified into the member of revolutionary author’s movement and a noted Marxist. furthermore, he has additionally acquired the Lenin Peace Prize thru the Soviet Union.
Wikipedia: Ghazal غزل, is a set of two liner couplets, which strictly should end with the same rhyme and should be within one of the predefined meters of ghazals. There has to be a minimum of five couplets to form a ghazal. Couplets may or may not have the same thought. It is one of the most difficult forms of poetry as there are many strict parameters that one needs to abide by while writing ghazal. It is important to think about the topic as well as the theme of a ghazal before starting to write it. The first line of a ghazal must include a refrain, which is a word or a phrase that can be easily fitted into the other couples. Each couplet of a ghazal is known as Sher.
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